From June 16th to 18th, SPORTSOUL warmly invites you to join us at the SPOGA+GAFA 2024 in Cologne, Germany. 日期:2024年6月16日至18日 地点:德国科隆国际博览中心 金沙娱场城官网展位:Hall4.2-G065 Date: June 16th to 18th, 2024 Location: Koelnmesse, Cologne, Germany SPORTSOUL Booth: Hall 4.2, Stand G065 作为全球休闲用品市场的重要订货平台,SPOGA+GAFA博览会不仅是规模最大、历史最悠久的国际贸易盛会,更是户外爱好者与行业专家的年度聚会。本次展会将展示包括户外休闲用品、庭院家具、体育及比赛用品、烧烤工具、露营装备、花园装饰等在内的丰富展品。 As important international meeting place for the green industry, spoga+gafa brings together manufacturers and retailers as well as experts from all over the world. It offers an unrivalled range of products from the garden lifestyle and BBQ sector and brings new impetus to the market. spoga+gafa is the only trade fair that covers the entire world of gardening: It brings together all the trends and innovations relating to outdoor furniture, decoration, sports and play, garden tools, BBQ and much more. 本次SPOGA展会,金沙娱场城官网将携旗下新款休闲体育用品参展:X系列移动篮球架、10尺户外蹦床和后院足球门产品等。为海外客户带来优质产品解决方案,共谋未来合作蓝图。 At this fair, SPORTSOUL will exhibit its new range of leisure sports products: the X Series portalbe basketball hoops, 10ft outdoor trampolines, and backyard soccer goal products. We aim to bring high-quality product solutions to overseas customers and plan for future cooperation. 金沙娱场城官网诚挚邀请您莅临我展位,亲身体验我们的产品,与我们一同探索户外运动生活的无限可能。在SPOGA+GAFA的舞台上,共同开启美好生活的新篇章。 SPORTSOUL cordially invites you to visit our booth, experience our products firsthand, and explore the endless possibilities of outdoor sports life with us. let's start a new chapter of a better life together.